Our Services

RTK Corrections

Muya CORS provides Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) corrections and Post-Processing (PP) services utilizing a network of Continuously Operating Glo...

Rinex Data

Muya CORS archives data for all its CORS stations in the Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX) format.  RINEX is an internationally recog...

Rinex Data Post Processing

Muya CORS provides  post processing service.  Users only required to upload  their GNSS data in RINEX formats. Some vendor GNSS data form...

Cors Installation

Muya CORS supplies, installs, maintains and manages a network of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) that provide Global Navig...

GNSS Training

Muya CORS offers GNSS Training packages designed for existing surveyors and engineers. A basic understanding of survey or setting out practi...